Disc Coupling Parts & Kits
Disc Coupling parts and kits for Addax and Thomas brand disc couplings include replacement flexible elements (disc packs), hubs, hardware kits and sub-assemblies to simplify coupling maintenance and replacement.

Thomas AMR & CMR Hubs
Hubs for Thomas types AMR & CMR couplings.

Thomas DBZ Hubs
Hubs for Thomas types DBZ, DBZ-A, and DBZ-B couplings. Available in standard and extended variations.

Thomas Series 52 Hubs
Hubs for Thomas Series 52 and 52T couplings.

Thomas Series 54 Hubs
Hubs for Thomas Series 54RD and Series 54RDG couplings.

Thomas Series 71 Hubs
Hubs for Thomas Series 71 and 71-8 couplings, Available in standard, extended, and large block variations.

Thomas Series XTSR Adapter-Style Hub & Cap Screw Kits
Hubs for Thomas Series XTSR couplings that use an adapter. Includes adapter hardware (cap screws) as complete set. Available in standard, XL, and XXL variations.

Thomas Series XTSR Non-Adapter Style Hubs
Hubs for Thomas Series XTSR couplings that do not use an adapter, including XTSR52, XTSRLS52, and XTSRS models